I can't even believe I am writing this but I have a new puppy!
So shortly after my Chihuahua, Romeo passed away, I knew that I would be wanting to home another dog. As I live alone and love the company and companionship of a dog, I have always been brought up around dogs too.
It felt like I was searching online for the perfect puppy for so long! I initially was looking to home a King Charles Cavalier - the female dog from Lady & The Tramp. But I wasn't able to find any close enough, or any that had breeders that I gelled well with. Then I thought about homing a Chihuahua, as I am very familiar with that specific breed. But I just felt like no dog was as good as standard as my Romeo was. And I know that may sound biased, but to me, 99% of the chihuahuas saw looked like they had more Jack Russell in than anything. And to me, that isn't a true type Chihuahua, which Romeo was.
So I then thought about Pomeranians! My mum has a little Pom and she has such a lovely temperament and is so gorgeous. In my opinion, they are also very similar to Chihuahuas, which made me feel more comfortable with the breed. So I began searching online for breeders and litters of pomeranian puppies. I came across so many! But I didn't find the perfect puppy or breeder until I came across little Milo. I got along so well with Milo's breeder, I felt she was so genuine and caring towards her puppies. I could tell that she had their best interest at heart and wasn't just in it for the money. We came to an arrangement and I went to see all of the puppies on the 29th of December. As I couldn't decide which one I wanted from the photos that I saw of the puppies.

When Ryan and I got to the breeder's house, I couldn't believe how tiny the puppies were! I sat down and Milo came straight over to me. He was so boisterous and playful, I knew he was the one I wanted. Milo was the biggest pup of the litter and has such a cute white stripe down his head. The breeder kept me updated on how he was doing throughout the weeks, and face timed me a few times so I could see Milo properly.
On the 13th of January, Ryan and I went to bring little Milo home! I was beyond excited to finally be able to take him home, even though I didn't have to wait long at all. He had gotten so much bigger since the first time I saw him, his coat was really growing out getting fluffier and fuller. He was a little chunk! The first night of him staying in his new home with me was a lot better than I expected. He cried when I put him in his crate to go to sleep, but settled down after a little while. He then started crying again at 6am and then again at 8am when we both got up. He was quiet and very sleepy.
Now come the fourth day of Milo settling in, he is so much more confident and playful! Last night he didn't cry at all when he was in his crate, which was so good of him! He is also going out onto the balcony without any help from myself. Whereas the first few days, I would have to put him out there so that he could understand that was where he needed to go for a toilet.
Milo is honestly such a character and I'm loving having him around!
He also has an Instagram account so if you want to follow him so you don't miss any doggy updates his name is @theadventuresofMilo__
Thanks for reading!
Love Loz,